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Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:05 am
by ValliKat
I want to express my gratitude for the wonderful new site that we're officially kicking off today.

First, I want to thank Nova: You took an abstract idea and gave me a way to make it a reality. Thanks! :)

Next, I want to thank Atcarr: You helped us build our foundation and gave us a place to store it. Thank you for everything you've done!

I also need to thank Lauri: There probably wouldn't be a GSP Dancers if not for you and so it seems fitting that you would design such a wonderful site for us. Thank you so much. You have my undying gratitude!

Last but not least, I need to thank the GSP Dancers: None of this would be possible without all of you. If I didn't have a good team, I wouldn't have bothered seeing this through. None of this is worth it without your continued support for our shared goals. I love you all! Thank you!

*tight squishy huggles and extra muffiny goodness*