Exciting News for the GSP Dancers!

The news you didn't want to know

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Exciting News for the GSP Dancers!

Post by ValliKat »

GSP Dancers are pleased to announce the following Promotions to new positions in our organazation:

Sneakpastu - Contest Officer - Responsible for making the contest rules, deciding what types of contests to have, how often they should be run, the finances of it, who can participate, and the fine points of contest running.

Coffewench - Promotions Officer - Responsible for promoting GSP Dancers and GSP in general. Helping Dancers to make sweeps and ads. Recruiting Dancers for doing promotions. Helping to make scripts for all of us to use for shout out at shows. Making decisions on the best ways to promote GSP and the GSP Dancers.

Talidro - Personnel/Recruitment Officer - Responsible for training new Dancers as to scripting, shout outs, and other aspects of being a GSP Dancer. Responsible for helping with recruits, pre-screening new applicants, and assisting with and/or conducting interviews. Point of contact for new applicants.

Please join me in congratulating them on their new roles!

and in Wedded Bliss News:

Fierefi and Sneakpastu were married today, April 1, 2007. No this is not an April Fool's joke. :) Our warmest congratulations and best wishes go out to the new married couple!
Gunney: Lissunin ta GSP mayukz me wanna play... wut bettah reezun duz enee wun need?
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